The ancient relaxation technique or Reiki

Reiki is a popular form of healing and is used to encourage overall well-being of mind, body and spirit. It is a very gentle therapy, dating back many thousands of years, known to have been practised in ancient Tibet and Egypt, but only becoming known to the west during the 19th century. A Reiki session takes around 55 minutes. The sense of relaxation gained from a session of Reiki is amazing and can be used to help with the symptoms of a wide range of conditions.

Treatment Cost: £37.00  (55mins)

Reiki-Ancient knowledge and ultimate relaxation

The word is pronounced ‘raykey’ and means  ‘for universal life energy’. Reiki is as old as humankind itself and can be traced through ancient healing traditions such as those of Tibet and Egypt. It was once a part of daily life in many such cultures but was lost to the West until its comparatively recent rediscovery in the 19th Century by a Japanese scholar, Dr. Mikao Usui. Reiki is now recognised as a very effective form of healing in our modern world. Reiki is a very safe way to aid recovery of specific ailments, often with remarkable results.

Customers lie on the treatment couch or sit in a chair, fully clothed and with relaxing music playing in the background. The therapist will either put their hands on or above them, the main objective is for the customer to be as relaxed as possible. During a Reiki session,  The treatment is non-intrusive and is used to heal and relax the whole body, rather than a specific area or specific symptoms.

Reiki is a state of mind

When arriving for a treatment, clients can discuss any health issues or concerns that they have with the therapists, who will then be able to offer advice on the number of sessions that might be required and explain more to you about how the treatment works. Marina will be able to advise if a single treatment is sufficient or if a series of sessions will be of benefit.

There are a wide range of other complementary therapies and beauty treatments available. Marina will advise on other treatments can be used to work with the Reiki and which will be of most benefit for your particular health concerns.


Call Marina on 07710 758166 for further details or to make an appointment