Aromatherapy- essential oils with healing powers

Essential oils have been used for thousands of years for their exquisite aromas and amazing healing properties. As they are absorbed into the bloodstream thie oils enhance cell renewal, circulation and detoxification, whilst their aromas act on the deepest parts of the brain to enhance our mood and emotional wellbeing.

muscular relief 

The oils are used to help ease muscular aches and pains, improve circulation and ease sinus congestion. They also have a positive effect on the skin, penetrating into the deeper layers to encourage the process of cellular renewal, enhance blood circulation and help problems such as acne, eczema and ageing skin.

Peace of mind 

The oils are linked to the areas of the brain governing instinct, memory and emotion, our sense of smell is the most primitive of our senses. Through the pathways between smell and the deep centres of the brain, essential oils can have a dynamic effect on our emotional state. They can help transform our moods and move us from one state of mind to another.

The Treatment

Each Aromatherapy massage is unique and the oils are blended after a consultation to each client’s need. The oils I use are 100% pure and natural with as many organic oils sourced as possible.

Aromatherapy full body indulgence session cost: £50 (75 mins)


Call Marina on 07710 758166 for further details or to make an appointment