Creating a new website has been both a challenge and a proud moment. Inner Peace is my passion and with some marketing help from Carl at Big Stick the business is growing and awareness is building. (I also like to think this is a result of our customers being happy with our service!)
I am very proud of what Inner Peace has achieved and very protective of my loyal customers who have become friends as well as clients. It is great to see a new more sophisticated website to represent Inner Peace services and if you have any feedback good or bad I would be interested in hearing it!
My objective, as always is to make an appointment with Inner Peace something my customers look forward to. A treat, an opportunity to relax and restore their sense of well being as well as their sense of beauty. As the business grows I have been able to invest in more technology to give my customers a wider range of beauty services and relaxation techniques to enhance their beauty programmes including the CACI non-surgical facelift
As a result of new technology non-surgical facelifts has boomed! After all, the only thing stopping us from getting a facelift at a certain age is the fact that y0u have to undergo surgery! So with the new system of electrical impulses which work at a cellular level to enhance the appearance of your skin has got to be worth considering. It is based on a 10-week course of treatments which only last for 6 weeks or so before a ‘maintenance’ treatment is needed but it is not intrusive and a much safer procedure. If you are interested in this give me a call and I will be happy to talk you through what happens and why so many celebs such as Jennifer Aniston are big fans of CACI facelifts.
That’s all for now but I will periodically publish beauty tips and news on this blog so please watch this space and please share this site with your friends when they are asking who offers beauty treatments locally